Lesbianas Unidas was a social, educational, cultural and political committee of Gay and Lesbian Latinos Unidos (GLLU), They offered a variety of activities such as Latina Lesbian retreats, workshops, parties and other social/cultural events.
The Lesbians of Gay and Lesbian Latinos Unidos sponsor "Sharing Our Historias" series of raps at the Gay and Lesbian Community Services Center.
One: "Coming Out to La Familia" - May 21st, 6-8 pm, meet at the Center lobby.
Two: "The Chicana Experience (open to all Latina lesbians) - June 25th, 6-8 p.m, Rm. 207
Three: "Católicas "(open to gay Latinos) - July 24th 8-10 p.m., Rm. 203
Four: "Dinero: iQue es la importancia?/Classism" - Aug. 28th 8-10 p.m., Rm. 203.
Five: "Latinas : Avenues for Community Involvement" -Sept. (date, time and place announced at prior meetings
Six: "Lesbian Vision/Vista del Futuro" - Oct. (date, time and place announced at prior meetings)
As a committee of G.L.L.U., the Lesbianas (Lesbian Task Force) Serve as a support group for Latinas. This is meant to encourage more lesbian participation within G.L.L.U. It is also a means to address the specific issues and needs of Látinas.
Lesbianas Unidas Mission Statement (1994):
"Lesbians Unidas seeks to be a grassroots organization that empowers Latina lesbians. LU shall promote a unique culture that honors our diversity and creates a sense of community by preserving our unique herstory, honoring our accomplishments, and organizing educational and other projects that build pride. LU shall engage in political advocacy on issues that affect our communities and shall promote projects and undertake actions that make us visible to the general public. Moreover, LU is committed to struggle against racim, sexism, classism, ageism, homophobia, biphobia and all other forms of oppression. Our strength lies in the unity we foster by honoring the richness of our diversity."
Declaracion De Principios Lesbianas Unidas (1994):
"Lesbians Unidas tiene como meta ser una organización de base que luchara por ayudar a lesbianas Latinas a reclamar su poder. LU promoverá una cultura única que hora nuestra diversidad y fomenta un sentido de comunidad por medio de preservar nuestra historia única, honrar nuestros logros y organizar proyecto seducativos y otros proyectos que fortalezcan nuestro orgullo. LU participara en actividades políticas pertinentes a nuestras comunidades y promoverá proyectos y tomara acción para darns visibilidad en el publico en general. Además, LU es una organización dedicada a luchar en contra del racismo, sexismo, la discrimination por clase o edad, homofobia, bifobia, y todo clase de opresion. Nuestra fuerza reside en la unidad que fomentamos honrando la riqueza de nuestra diversidad."
Created by Susana Brito who was on the Lesbianas Unidas Steering Committee.
scan provided by Veronica Flores
"In recognition, Lesbianas Unidas thanks the following people for their time work and talents throughout this past year :
Lannette Alvarez
Eileen Pagan
Griselda Benitez
Brenda Campos
Carmen Canto
Melena De Olga
Naomi Flores
Veronica Flores
Marcia Gonzales
Rita Gonzales
Veronica Lopez
Mercedes Marquez
Carmen Noriega
Lydia Otero
Cookie Ortiz
Eileen Pagan
Sere Padilla
Monica Palacios
Mache Perez
Elena Popp
Lola Rendon
Yolanda Retter
Sandy Rubio
Candy Sosa
Ana Maris Soto
Pam Villareal
Becky Villasenor
We also want to thank all the women who supported the events with their presence.
Steering Committee Retreat 1989"
Lesbianas Unidas Newsletter Volume 1 No.5
July-August 1992
July-August 1992
Testimonials from Latina Lesbians who have been on the retreat on the far left side, and more information on how to participate can be found in the center bottom of the page.
The Lesbians Unidas Annual Retreat is more than just fun. It is more than just swimming, hiking, dancing, meeting new women. It is also about sharing an all Latina Lesbian environment, learning about the differences within our culture. Through workshops, talking, feeling… the sky is the limit!”
Sea Parte De Nuestro Retiro Anual!
El retiro es más que una diversión. Es más que nadar, una caminata, bailar, conocer nuevas mujeres. Se trata tambien acerca de compartir on un ambiente lleno de lesbians latinas, aprender acerca de las diferencias dentro de nuestras culturas. Atravez de tallerez, conversaciones, y expresar nuestros sentimientos… El cielo es el único que tiene limites!”